Spoken Word/Poetry
Virtual Programming
Disability (Learning)
Ethnicity & Race
Social Change / Justice
Soci-economic Status
C: 404-964-6599
Marc Marcel has been called, “One of the most consciously aware spoken word artists of our generation.” Born and raised in Baltimore, MD, Marcel was diagnosed with dyslexia at age 10.
He has performed in 8 countries, over 150 American cities, published 5 books, produced 19 spoken word CDs, 20 books of poetry, performed and/or held workshops for over 50 universities, including Harvard and Yale. Marcel has also made 5 national television appearances, (BETJ Lyrics Café, No Reservations, etc.), entertained and the US Military Base in Qatar at the Al Udeid Air Base, performed at the National Press Club, and the Smithsonian in Washington DC for the 2009 Presidential Inaugural Peace Ball for President Obama.
Marcel is the author of, ‘The Book that Doesn’t Even Matter,’ a philosophy on the meaning of life, as well as the creator and animator of an animated web-series called, ‘Gurus,’ a cartoon satire of history’s greatest philosophers.